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THE SEASON OF GRATITUDE: Local ways to give thanks

THE SEASON OF GRATITUDE: Local ways to give thanks

November 20th, 2022

The Thanksgiving season is finally here. And at 580 Anton, we want to thank you for making our luxury apartment community the best in Orange County. It’s important that you feel instantly welcome and at home. Everything from our spacious and modern floor plan designs, innovative features, and high-end amenities has been curated to give you an unparalleled experience in Orange County luxury living. In the spirit of the season, we found some incredible and hardworking local organizations that help those in need feel welcome and seen — especially this time of year. If you’re able, please consider donating to HomeAid Orange County, The Community Action Partnership/The OC Food Bank, Mary’s Kitchen, or Project Hope. They really do make the world a more compassionate place. On behalf of everyone at 580 Anton, have a Happy and joyous Thanksgiving!